Nexium Acid Reflux Wonder?

Do you stop acid reflux with nexium?  Did your heartburn magically disappear since your doctor prescribed it?  

Think twice before you get too excited! Nexium acid reflux pills, omeprazole or famotidine, can cause diarrhea and food allergies.

Nexium Acid Reflux Pills Cause Diarrhea

Purple Pill

The 'purple pill' has become a widespread solution for stopping acid reflux. It's easy and efficient, but far from ideal.  
Acid reflux medications like nexium, omeprazole, famotidine and other proton pump inhibitors, disturb the first line of defense of your digestive tract: your stomach acid. In contrast to what many people think, a 'sour stomach' is not a problem. In fact, your stomach acid protects you against infections.

No More Stomach Acid

Heartburn begins once sour stomach acid escapes from your stomach. It starts burning inside your chest. To solve the burning, you use nexium, omeprazole or lanzoprazole. They neutralize stomach acid, but disturb your stomach's protective system.

Along with the food that you eat, viruses and bacteria manage to enter your stomach. Since they don't survive an environment with a very low PH, they die inside your stomach acid. 

Nexium, omeprazole or famotidine remove your stomach acid. By doing that, they disrupt your protective mechanism against intruders...

...Instead of arriving in a deadly environment of stomach acid, harmful bacteria are now welcomed in a place that they love: dark, warm and humid...

..... They multiply and travel further down your digestive tract and end up colonizing your small intestine.

Clostridium Difficile Infection

Studies confirm that taking PPI's weakens your resistance against harmful bacteria. Most research has been done on a bacterium that is called 'Clostridium Difficile'.

People who take nexium acid reflux pills, or other acid blockers, have more chance to get infected by this dangerous micro-organism. The main symptom of a clostridium difficile infection is a diarrhea that does not improve. In a worst case scenario, the gut becomes overrun with C. difficile bacteria. The high amount of toxins that these bacteria release, can be life-threatening.

Nexium And Antibiotics

Antibiotics increase the risk on diarrhea even further. They compromise your second line of defense; your intestinal flora. Antibiotics kill the 'good bacteria' that fight intruders inside your gut. 

Most infections occur in situations where both lines of defense are compromised: hospitals and nursing homes. In these residences, a lot of people come together that are on PPI's as well as antibiotics, giving infections a change to move from one person to another.

Nexium Acid Reflux Pills Cause Food Allergies

Pepsin Breaks Down Food

To digest food and drinks, your stomach cells release an enzyme called 'pepsin'. Pepsin's task is to break down food proteins into little pieces. That way, they can easily be absorbed by your blood stream once they arrive inside your small intestine.

By taking nexium acid reflux pills, you make your stomach less sour. Very comfortable for soothing your heartburn, but your pepsin enzyme gets into trouble. Pepsin only performs well in a sour environment. By increasing your stomach's PH, proton pump inhibitors interfere with your stomach's ability to properly digest food.


Taking acid reflux medication, disturbs the breakdown of proteins. Pepsin doesn't cleave them anymore and food proteins remain intact during digestion. That means that bigger pieces of food proteins end up in your blood stream.

Your immune system sees these big protein pieces as foreign objects and gets triggered.  Foods like gluten, fish, nuts or eggs can start giving allergic reactions by the use of PPI's.

Research proves that acid reflux medication can induce food allergies in non-allergic person, as well as worsen sensitivity if you already have allergies. 

Do You Use Nexium? Do You Have Allergies?

Do you use nexium to stop acid reflux? Did you know that it can worsen allergies?

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I have had diarrhea for 3 days and I was wondering if nexium with help with that

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My 5 week old granddaughter was placed on Nexium a few weeks back and now had very profuse diarrhea. We are convinced it's from the Nexium so are stopping …

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My 13 year old son, already diagnosed with severe allergies to milk protein, egg protein and nut proteins, all of which he avoids completely, started to …

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I have had diarrhea for 3 days and I was wondering if nexium with help with that

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